Thursday, August 6, 2009

Detroit from the Other Side

Detroit's downtown looks so beautiful from Windsor, from the Detroit River, skyscrapers and all. This is a still from the opening sequence of HBO's Hung. Can't see the desolation from afar. But up close, that's another matter . . .


  1. City on the river.

  2. Personally I never did care for the Mardi-Gras mask Detroit always tries to put on because it never fits quite right and never really covers the truth of what lies beneath.

  3. Gambling on both sides of the river. One side has a mother leaving her baby in a parked car; the other side has someone shooting himself after losing too much at the high stakes blackjack table.

  4. Gorgeous pic of our fair city. I like how the mask doesn't fit or cover comment. When she dresses up in all her finery, it still can be argued that she is a very dirty, troubled woman.


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